Roof Top Generator

An advertising and marketing firm wants reliable standby generation for its office space.

Problem: The space is located inside a multi-story building, constructed early last century, in the middle of the financial district and there is no place to install a generator.

Solution: IEA took a novel approach and installed an 725 kW diesel fuel generator on the roof with a 600 gallon sub base fuel tank in addition to two (2) 300 gallon (600 gallons total) day tanks located in the building basement with refueling access from the alley.


  • Structural analysis and additional support installations to accommodate the weight added to the roof.

  • Control system design to allow diesel fuel to be pumped from the basement to the roof while meeting fire codes.

  • Installation of multiple transfer switches to accommodate electrical loads from different sources in a vintage building.

  • Evaluating stack design to minimize downwash effects from adjacent buildings.

  • Evaluating generator location to minimize the potential for diesel exhaust intrusion into fresh air intakes for the building.

Result: The generator was placed across a steal frame above structural supports. This structure allowed for complete access to all necessary components without compromise.


Upgrading Substation to Utility Interconnection


Solar Array Installation