Reassurance from Regular Generator Maintenance and Testing

Maintenance on a generator

Keeping your operations running smoothly is essential for any successful business. This also applies to power generation systems. To ensure that your generator works properly when needed, having a regular maintenance and testing program will help everything function as intended. Let’s explore the reasons why you should invest in such a program for your power-generating equipment.

Benefits of Upkeep

A regular maintenance and testing program can help you save time, money, and resources by keeping your generator running at peak performance. Important factors include:

Equipment Security – Generators are robust machines that can withstand rough operating conditions for a short time, but without routine and preventative maintenance, have a severely shortened lifetime to overhaul period. Regular generator upkeep maximizes the investment while preventing potentially irreversible equipment damage.

Improved Reliability – Identifying issues before they become more significant problems, ensures you have optimal operating conditions at all times. This helps prevent unexpected failures and equipment downtime due to unforeseen circumstances. Catching problems early can be fixed quickly and efficiently with minimal downtime, providing access to your generating assets when the utility has unforeseen circumstances out of your control.

Cost Savings – The cost of maintaining a generator, versus waiting until its failure point, pays dividends. Often a minor fix may cost a few hundred to a few thousand dollars, whereas a major equipment failure may cost tens of thousands of dollars upwards to the cost of the engine, depending on its severity. Maintaining the investment in an asset prevents unwanted costly repairs or replacements.

How Often Does a Generator Require Maintenance?

Regular generator testing is essential to ensure that businesses stay operational during a power outage. IEA performs regular monthly tests to verify the proper operation of your power-generating equipment. In addition to a rigorous preventative maintenance program throughout the year, IEA adheres to a customer-accommodated monthly, quarterly, biannually, and annually performed maintenance schedule -- Tracking and maintaining equipment history to keep all items within their ideal periodicity. Ensuring your generating assets are weatherized and fit to operate under most inclement and stifling conditions. By staying with this program, IEA has achieved a ten-year overall reliability average of 98.3% with no year dropping below 96%. Proper generator maintenance ensures these investment assets remain ready to use when needed most.

Reliable Power

Ensure your power needs are fully met with IEA's Generator Surveillance Program. Our expert technicians monitor, test, maintain and provide round-the-clock support, so you can relax knowing that your company’s generators will remain in peak operating condition during any unexpected interruptions. Contact us today to learn how IEA can help your business become power resilient, and provide you with the knowledge that your backup generator will be there to keep you out of the dark.


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